niedziela, 17 stycznia 2016

The book's death?..

Hellooo there! :)
We live in times when an ordinary paper book we became accostumed to is gradually startng to be  replaced by it's competitors - computers, laptops, tablets or simply by cell phones. Some supporters of the products of the advanced and developed technology believe that thank's to these modern devices we will make do without the traditional version of books and probably it could cause the total extinction of the paper books. They also claim that in this case many trees that serve as a material for creation of books could be saved from cutting. Moreover, according to them, we could eliminate some main problems paper book readers have to face: a difficulty for students to find in libraries a copy of a book they need (as the quantity is limited) and to carry heavy or enormous books and manuals in their bags.
Of course, on one hand they are right, I regret very often for not being able to take so many books with me that I would like to. In addition, so much paper is being used for printing photocopies...Anyway, I wouldn't agree with the statement about the book's 'death'. I simply love to read books in the traditional version, because I can enjoy turning each page, making notes and some comments with a pencil on the pages, I love the fresh smell of a new book, it is not only the content that counts, but also its form. On the other hand, when we are are speaking about sources for the printing of books, we should also admit that all electronic devices need to be recharged very frequently, so the electicity is also being consumed which doesn't give positive results for the environment. Yes, a smartphone or a tablet is much more comfortable and practical in use, but I think there will always be many paper book lovers who will put the lid on the extinction of the real touchable books...

1 komentarz:

  1. I'm an optimist here: I'm sure books will always be around. Just as radio is still in use, even though we now have TV, cinema, the Internet and what not. There may be digital and audio formats, which have their benefits, for sure, but there will always be enough people who simply love holding a paper book in their hands and nothing else is ever going to change that. So no worries :)
