niedziela, 25 października 2015

We are what we eat :>

Hello my dear Friends! :)
I'm sure, you have already heard the expression: We are what we it. Do you personally agree with this old saying? And what it is all about?
In this article we are going to clear some points concerning food and our nutrition and to undestand why is so crutial to be conscious of the meaning of this expression. 
I suppose, many of us care about a good nutrition, are on a diet, don't eat in evenings or eat very little, refuse different tasty (like it seems to us) junk food and try even not to think about attractive and tempting sweets/chocolates.
First of all, the motivation for all of this sacrifications is the desire to be fit. For some people, however, it doesn't matter what and when do they eat, they just stay slim and don't put on weight. Secondly, the reason why we should stay away from all kinds of food from McDonald's, KFC or other fat and sweet food: just to be healthy = to avoid a possibility to land in the hospital with some stomach disorders or obesity-related diseases. 

But think: why are we what we eat, how should we understand it?
Well, someone could say: if I ate a hamburger I'm hamburger? Or there are other similar thoughts with ironic approach to this expression:

It's a funny truth, but the point is that our body uses nutrial substances of the food we eat to create new cells and in that way to build itself, so we literally are what we eat.
That's why it's so essential to care about all of what we throw in our stomach, if we don't want to become a nice fat junk! :D

niedziela, 18 października 2015

Music is a powerful thing

Hello dear Friends!

In this article we're going  to consider what is music and in what does consist its powerful effects.

Everyone, I suppose, love to listen to music. There are lots of various music genres, styles, ways of producting it. Each of us has his/her preferences and favourite peaces of music. But it's really hard to immagine a person who lives without listening to the music and loving it (except of people with hearing loss). So what is the role of music in our everyday life and why is it so powerful and important?

 First of all, music is a language, a way of communication. The music writers, which can be each of us, use different tecniques to express themselves, to transmit their message, energy and emotions to the listeners. But what about listeners? They enjoy the music or hate it, they perceive it and try to understand, to interpret in thier own way, but they can't be totally indifferent what they are listening to. The music stimulate our immagination, inspire us to act or to create something, it doesn't need words to tell a story or to speak to the listeners.

Music can be also an instrument of impovement or development of our play skills (Yuja Wang), a way of relaxing and making kids calmer (Mozart), a reason to widen the scop of our knowledge about the greatest musicians and their output (Lang Lang) or simly to admire the fantasy and talent of famous singers and musicians (Muse - but here we do have the lyrics ;) ).

In one hand music is perceived by us like a consequence of sounds, but it can be also painted or sculptured:

Regina Valluzzi, "Music of the spheres"
Nathalie Mielbach, "Weather music sculpture"

We don't need to be great art experts to know and to realize that music is not only about listening and creating, it's about something more, like discovering the world, everything that is material and abstract, learning about ourselves, our minds, feelings and practicing our sensitivity to what is unique and eternal.

How to do everything in time?

Hello dear Friends!

Probably, many of you asked yourself at least once in your life: how can I manage to do so many things as quickly as possible?

Often we have to face such situations, when there are many tasks and much work to be done, and exactly then we start to worry about finishing everything in time. As we know from experience, in the majority of cases we don't manage to do all the tasks because of lack of time. But is this really true?

The problem which is the cause of our stress and not being able to finish everything in a certain period of time, is lack of good organisation and putting a plan into execution. In other words, we should do some essential steps, which will help us in any similar difficult situation:
Step 1. Wright all the tasks you ought to do. It will help you not forget about something, so that you can controll your list any time you need it;
Step 2. Separate the priority tasks (which are more important than others) and minor tasks (which are easier and don't need much time to be done);
Step 3. Start doing the priority tasks first, so that you'll have done the major and more difficult part of your work;
Step 4. Don't get distracted by little and unnecessary things, which are social networking services like Facebook or Twitter (if you're woring at your computer), then eating or drinking very often while you're studying or working, listening to the music (often it disturbs to concentrate on execution of the planned tasks) etc.; learn to say "no" to your impulses to do something esle which is not written on your list;
Step 5. Do some 5-10 minutes breaks after a half an hour of intensive working/studying, so that you can have a rest and not to feel overworked and exhausted;
Step 6: Try to do every task as quickly as you can, don't waste too much time on some part of it, but be also careful and accurate in what you're doing;
Step 7. Highlight all the tasks you've done so far, so it will be easier for you to concentrate on what is left and needs to be done;
Step 8: Do a major break (20-30 min.) for lunch or dinner and have it calmly;
Step 9: Finish the execution of your plan with minor and easy tasks, because these ones don't need to much of your energy and will be done with pleasure;
Step 10: Enjoy the results of your efforts and finished tasks.

I hope this advices will really help you to orginize your time efficiently and to resolve the problem of doing everything in time!