To tell the truth, every person, even the most introverted one, needs some relations with others to talk and to spend time together. In this way closer relations are built, and something more than a simple interaction connects the people. On one hand, in such situation, we start to consider our friends people we often meet and trust them the information regarding our intimate thoughts and personal experience, just like they trust theirs to us. On the other hand, it's a more complicated matter when it comes to long-lasting relations based on confidence and reciprocal relying on each other. The difference between friends and real friends is obvious, but sometimes we confuse this two terms and make a mistake when we consider someone our real friends.
In conclusion, I would add that a real friendship is always verified by time, and often many years should pass after which we can be convinced that a person we call best frend is trustworthy and reliable.
Have you ever had a major disappointment with anyone you took for a friend? Was it a very tough experience?
OdpowiedzUsuńUnfortunately, I had such experience, several times. It was especially sad and painful, when I also gave a reason of dissappointment to my friends in the past.